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June 29, 2009

KPN Meetup Results

The Kentucky Preppers Network Meetup was a success. We had about 5 preppers and some who brought their families which brought the total number up to around a dozen people. A HUGE THANKS GOES OUT TO ALL WHO CAME!!! The meetup was a huge success in my opinion, I got to meet some very knowledgeable people and made some new friends in the process. Once everybody got there we discussed the Kentucky Physical Network and how political activism relates to prepping. Come to find out everyone there was very active within their districts. That is great news because as preppers we have to work to change the system.

We also discussed HR 1207, Cap & Trade, and other current issues facing our country. Then the floor was opened up and we all started discussing preps and our own individual preparedness. I sat back and took notes while Bullseye and others talked about gardening, and general homesteading. I have a lot of good ideas for some posts to be on the lookout for good content in the future. It was just great to be around other like minded people and get to share and exchange ideas. We're going to be having more and more meetups like this in the near future so be on the lookout for one in YOUR Kentucky city. Here are a couple pictures of everyone that was in attendance.


