I called Congressman Guthrie's DC office this morning as soon as I heard the news to extend my thanks to him for stepping up for more transparency in the Federal Reserve. I don't live in the 2nd District, I'm in the 1st, but we can still thank him for stepping up to represent the great state of Kentucky. If you get a free minute today or sometime next week, give his office a call and tell them you appreciate him co-sponsoring H.R. 1207. His DC office number is (202) 225-3501. You can also email him by clicking here. I have been calling, emailing, and faxing Ed Whitfield, my Representative and he finally sent me a letter saying that he would probably vote for it, but still thought we "needed" the FED...MALARKEY! Anyways, we need more co-sponsors, and more from Kentucky. Keep the pressure on your Reps!