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May 16, 2009

Rand Paul Announces Exploratory Committee

You heard correctly, Rand Paul has officially announced that he is forming an Exploratory Committee to look at running for the 2010 Kentucky Senate race. He made his announcement on the Rachel Maddow show last Thursday night (5/14). He has already launched his website www.randpaul2010.com and since it's launch less than 48 hours ago he has already raised over $15,000! The message of freedom, liberty, and limited government is very powerful, and if Rand can get his name out within the state I think he would have a good chance of winning. Note: He still claims that if Bunning can raise the money and run in the race, then he won't run against him. We'll know by July if Bunning has the money for a campaign.

I will be posting all the campaign updates on my other blog Rand Paul for Senate. Keep an eye out for merchandise; including signs, shirts, bumper stickers and others. I'm sure there will be some rally's and meeting in the near future and I will be keeping everyone updated with that info. Below is the video of his announcement on national television.
