Once you get your 2 month supply, you will need a way to cook the food if/when the power goes out. This is where my alcohol stove comes in. This thing runs off of HEET (Methyl Alcohol) or Denatured Alcohol. It burns very pure, and very hot. This will boil a cup of water in just a couple of minutes, and 1 oz. of fuel will run the stove for 15 minutes. More than enough time to cook most stuff.

Finally, you need water. Most people will tell you that water is MORE important than food. You can go a good while without food, not you won't last long without water to drink. I get these Reliance 7 gal. Aqua-Tainers from Wal-Mart for $12 a piece. Just 8 of these and you have 2 months of water for yourself (1 gal per day.)

And that should have you ready for any disaster that heads your way. Food and water are the two most important things. You would also want some cold weather gear/warm weather gear, candles, guns and ammo, flashlights, and batteries. If you can eat, keep warm, and have a little light, you're going to be in a lot better position that most of your neighbors in the event of a disaster.