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October 12, 2009

Vehicle Repair Manual

A vehicle repair manual should be something you have for each vehicle you own. A popular brand of the books are the Haynes Repair Manuals. These can be purchased at any local auto parts store and give a detailed look at the total breakdown and rebuild of pretty much every part of the automobile. From the engine to the interior it shows step by step how to fix and replace just about anything. I can't tell you how many times a Haynes Manual has helped me out.

From installing a car stereo to engine repair and maintenance the Haynes Manual has it all. Even if you're not a do-it-yourselfer these can come in handy when performing basic maintenance and show a guide of which maintenance items to replace and when. Every car I have owned I have purchased one of these manuals and it's arguably the best money I've spent on the car. If you want to save money and fix things yourself these are a must have. By fixing the small stuff yourself you're going to save money and get the self satisfaction.
