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September 24, 2009

Importance of a Cell Phone Car Charger

A cell phone is a luxury. A luxury most people would say they could not live without. I will admit I'm pretty attached to my Blackberry but I understand that if things got rough, it would not work and that's okay with me. While our cell phones do work they are something that can help you out in a lot of situations. If you break down on the side of the road, have an accident, or need to call for help fast a cell phone can be your best friend.

One thing you don't want to get caught without is a car charger for your cell phone. If you break down late one night and your phone is dead you will be wishing you had purchased that car charger. Not the charger from your local wireless provider store but the cheap one off the internet. The stores sell their products at ridiculous prices. If you step foot into a wireless provider store you can plan on getting ripped off.

If you have been putting off getting a car charger for your phone now is the time to make the purchase. Sellers on eBay sell phone chargers for less than $5. I got my car charger for $5 with free shipping. It was the same charger that was on sale at the local T-Mobile store for $25.00. The point is if you don't have a cell phone car charger the price isn't an excuse. Get one offline for cheap so you never have to worry about your phone going dead while on the road.
