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April 30, 2009

Kentucky Physical Network: Poll Results


The Kentucky Physical Network poll has ran its course and out of 12 people who voted, nobody thought it was a bad idea! I had 4 people who voted to step up and be a team leader in their respective congressional districts, and another 8 people who wanted to participate. I appreciate all who voted, and to all of those who voted; please send me an email at kentuckypreppersnetwork@gmail.com so we can try to get the ball rolling with this one. Now, more than ever we need to be organized and fighting against unconstitutional legislation like the bill Massachusetts Swine Flu Bill.

This whole swine flu deal is getting out of control and the government will create the panic to give them more power and control. We must stand up against more government power and any "panic" legislation that would infringe in the rights of the American People.

Also, I will go ahead and put a new poll up, I was thinking I could organize a Kentucky Preppers Network meet-up within the next couple months for the readers to get together. I will post a few of the major cities and everyone can vote on which one they would prefer the meeting to be at. I figure the weekend would be the best time for most people, we could plan a Saturday or Sunday afternoon meet-up. I will post more details after the poll runs out and I can assess how much interest we have in this.
