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January 20, 2009

Preppin' Around the World

Preppers Networks are popping up all over in the last few days. There are now 11 states with Prepper Networks. I have all that are up and running linked on the sidebar and they are coming in daily now. A sign of the times......You bet !! Preppers Networks are happy to announce that there is now an American Preppers Network. American Preppers Network will help all State Prepper Networks.....well.....network. We can share ideas with other preppers throughout the country. Boy, it sure does me proud to see the networks coming together like this. Makes me feel a might better about the direction this country could go. If you are reading this and are from one of the states that have a network, let them know your there. Tell them you want to help or at least give them a nice welcome. Kentucky Preppers Network is always looking for people to help with this blog. If you are interested in preparedness in any form, please contact me today. Like so many other networks out there, I can't do this alone, nor should I. We all need different points of view and many topics need to be covered. I urge you to contact me and let me know you are available to help post preparedness related information. I appreciate any and all help. There's much to be done.
